Thursday, April 14, 2005


The learning journey continues...

Well what has it come to when we need the expertise of David Gurteen and Mick Cope to get us to talk to each other?

Have our communication skills deteriorated so much with the increased use of computers that we need to attend a Knowledge Café and have Mick encourage us to stand up and walk round and introduce ourselves?

Speed dating was muted, same principle, but you didn't necessarily leave with a 'partner' for the evening, though it has to be said a few of us DID frequent the local hostelry to continue with the 'relationship -building' - and a great time was had by all!

My thanks to David and to Mick and and also to those that I did meet and would have like to talk to for longer, these included Jonathan [from Oxfordshire] , Lloyd [podcasting], Tricia [weblogs], Lesley [HMCE], Diomiu [ex-student], Andrew [IS], Jason, Mark [Middx] and two guys in the pub [one American and one Sri Lanken sorry I don't remember your names] who always had 'just one more question'. Just to let you both know, I did finally catch my train, but only just.

Look forward to seeing some of you again at the Knowledge Barbeque at University of Greenwich on 9th June.

Józefa @ The POL Experience