Friday, October 19, 2007


The learning journey continues...

...with me acquiring a brand new skill that will be a tremendously useful addition to my portfolio offering to future clients.

I am in the process of producing TWO eLearning programmes for my current client, one on User Involvement the other on Information for non-information professionals. My usual role is that of Instructional Designer (and it was in this role I produced my first eLearning programme for this client on Benefits Awareness). Instructional Design incorporates, gap analysis, development of content and supporting material, the structural layout of the programme and the formative and summative assessment points, all of which sit within a Learning Management System (LMS).

However, since receiving further training, I can now take the content design that I produce and create the online presence and feel of the whole eLearning product aswell using flash software.

Whereas I cannot put the two finished programmes on this blog, I have uploaded part one of of a two-part film (0:33 secs) that I have written and produced which will be included in the User Involvement eLearning programme.

If you are interested in developing eLearning programmes and wish to utlise my programme development skills, then please contact me on

Take a few moments to look at my new POL Portal to learn about my range of learning interests.