Tuesday, October 07, 2008


The learning journey continues...

Well would you believe it - today is my sixth anniversary of setting up The POL Experience, I can remember my first day back on 7th October 2002, as if it were yesterday.

I was working evaluating a national e-learning programme provided by LearnDirect and collating responses to a national survey I had distributed a month or so earlier.

At that early stage I had one lap top and a dial up connection by the front door, so there was I perched on the bottom step of my stairs entering in data as fast as I could before the connection went down.

Nowadays my computer system is far in advance of those early memories. I am wireless, networked and run a few computers and two printers from anywhere in my home office. Working from home is still a delight although I have had to find lots of ways to store my ever-growing research papers and material.

I grew out of storing backups on CD-Roms, very early on. Then I moved to WinZip disks, they were soon replaced by DVD storage and now I am using a 1 Terabyte Network storage system with two back-ups and three Exchange servers for my mailboxes - wow!

The learning has continued and I consider myself very lucky to have survived through a variety of family tragedies alongside the normal business ups and downs - here's to reaching the tenth anniversary!
