In November 2009, I joined the such an Industry Declaration on Public Services in Europe and the group on Facebook supporting this declaration.
This is an open declaration, collaboratively built and endorsed by EU citizens who share the view that the web is transforming our society and our governments. We feel e-government policies in Europe could learn from the open, meritocratic, transparent and user-driven culture of the web. We also feel that current web citizens should engage more positively with government to help designing a strategy which is genuinely difficult to adopt in the traditional culture of public administration.
There is only 5% sign up from the UK so far, with the greatest support coming from Spain (23%) so far...
ES 100
DE 87
NL 78
IT 52
GR 49
UK 37
BE 20
FI 17
PT 15
DK 14
DK 14
OTH 13
FR 11
AT 10
IE 5
RO 3
SE 3
HU 1
LU 1
Grand Total 521 (as at 1 November)
Let's hope that the declaration and its supporters are given a voice that can be heard.
The POL Group